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Church Services/Worship

Worship is every Sunday at 10:30am.

Church Services/Worship

At the heart of St Marys is a worshipping community which meets every Sunday at 10.30am.

St Mary’s is an open, welcoming church for all people. We are a diverse congregation of all ages, many backgrounds, traditions and experiences.

We gather every Sunday to worship God together, celebrate life and explore faith in Jesus in an open and confident Christian community.  We also aim to be a place of hospitality and welcome and an engaged Christian presence in our neighbourhood.
Our Sunday morning services range from a more formal Holy Communion Service, using the liturgies of the Church of England, to our informal All-Age worship. Children and young people are welcome at all our services and they also have their own groups which run alongside many of our 10.30am services.

The Chapel at St Mary’s
Because St Mary’s is a busy building during the week there is a set aside chapel on the Mezzanine floor of the building which is always available for quiet personal prayer. Please ask at Reception to use this space.

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